What are the effects of smoking on hangover?

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You might want to reconsider if you smoke when you’re buzzed! According to a new study in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, your hangover in the morning could be worse with these occasional late-night puffs.

What gives? Researchers aren’t sure, but research has different theories. Let’s discuss more about the effects of smoking on hangover through a research perspective.

Young people smoking and drinking in front of a club. Alcohol can increase effect of smoking on hangover.

What are the effects of smoking on hangover?

The effects of smoking on hangover are making hangover more intense and severe.

What is an alcohol hangover?

The awful physical and mental symptoms that people experience after a night or day of heavy alcohol drinking are called hangover. For some, it doesn’t even have to be heavy alcohol drinking. As I get older, two beers are enough for me to experience some of the hangover symptoms.

Why does my head hurt after drinking alcohol?

Here is a long story short:

Alcohol causes dehydration of our cells. So, water leaves our cells and accumulates in the intercellular space between cells. Now accumulated water is causing pressure and that is one of the reasons our head hurts.

Woman in gray shirt holding her head while sitting on the bed. Headache can be effect of smoking on hangover.

Other most common hangover symptoms are:

  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • A sense of the room spinning
  • Irritability

Symptoms experienced and intensity can drastically vary from person to person. Hangover characteristics also depend on the type of alcoholic beverage consumed and the amount consumed.

Is smoking bad for a hangover?

We know that smoking is bad, and we also know that alcohol is also not so great so now let’s find out what happens the day after when we consume both of them at the same time.

A research study was performed on smoking and drinking among 113 students at a midwestern university in the United States. 

The students filled out an online survey over 8 weeks. Furthermore, the study compared heavier drinking with lighter drinking.

How was the research performed?

. Measures taken during the research were:

  • How many drinks did students drink?

            It was measured from zero to 25 and more.

  • How many cigarettes did students smoke? 

Ranging from zero to more than three packs.

  • The Hangover Symptoms Scale to estimate hangover severity.
  • Blood alcohol estimation. This was measured for each day based on the number of drinks, body weight, and the period over which the student consumed alcohol.

Additional analysis included:

  • Frequency of drug use
  • Type of drug involvement
  • Smoking status 

The study concluded that hangover sensitivity and severity increase with smoking more on heavy drinking days (Jackson at el., 2013). I believe this was the outcome that you expected.

Does smoking make you tired the next day?

Cigarette smoking has a huge relation with sleep problems. Smoking cigarettes can lead to the release of dopamine and serotonin. 

A research study was done on 159 Chinese male subjects (81 active smokers and 78 non-smokers). On research results, it was concluded that factors like Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) levels were higher in those who were actively smoking compared to non-smokers (Li et al., 2020).

Cigarette hangover remedies

Effects of smoking on hangovers are evident from the research as explained earlier. However, if you are looking for relief from a night of too much partying, learn more about these tips which can help you recover and feel much better. 

Drink water. I think this is the oldest trick in the book when it comes to hangover remedies. When you think about it, it really does make sense because alcohol causes dehydration. 

While it won’t completely prevent the aftereffects, hydrating yourself with water will help restore necessary fluids and help the bloodstream and circulatory system carry nutrients and oxygen to the tissues. 

Glass of water with two cubed of ice in it. Glass is on the table and the sunglight is reaching the table. Drinking water is recommended to help with effects of smoking on hangovers.

Sports Drinks for quick hydration: Sports Drinks are perfect drinks for anyone seeking to gain an edge over plain old water to treat your hangover. These sports drinks contain minerals called electrolytes that help you replenish lost nutrients and quickly rehydrate. 

Have plenty of rest. If you are lucky and you have a day off after a night of heavy drinking then it is the perfect opportunity to stay home and rest. You can maybe catch up on your favorite show while your organism is going through the process of detoxification.

Boost Your Blood Sugar With Carbohydrates: Alcohol can interfere with your blood sugar levels, contributing to fatigue, irritability, and weakness. Its explanation also lies in why breakfasting on toast and honey has long been touted as a natural hangover cure.

Drink lemonade. This is something that works for me. I drink pure lemonade without adding any sugar. Furthermore, lemonade can help because lemons contain a lot of vitamin C. No specific studies show a correlation between vitamin C and hangover. However, vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps neutralize the effects of byproducts of many chemical reactions, including removing alcohol.

Although the effects of smoking on hangovers are real, it doesn’t mean you can’t cure it. It is also true that there’s no foolproof way to make a hangover disappear, but the above-detailed tips can help you feel a whole lot better.

Final Word

So now you know, research shows smoking intensifies hangover. If you are a social smoker, perhaps next time think about how you would like to spend your next day and is that cigarette really worth it. I know I will. 

For those of you who are active smokers, you can try to notch down a bit at least during your night out. Either way, good luck!


Monti JM, Jantos H. The roles of dopamine and serotonin, and of their receptors, in regulating sleep and waking. Prog Brain Res. 2008;172:625-46. doi: 10.1016/S0079-6123(08)00929-1. PMID: 18772053.

Buysse DJ, Reynolds CF 3rd, Monk TH, Berman SR, Kupfer DJ. The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Res. 1989 May;28(2):193-213. doi: 10.1016/0165-1781(89)90047-4. PMID: 2748771.